All ITG procedures are documented in accordance with our integrated Business Quality Management System (BQMS) that is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 20000-1:2011, and ISO 27001:2013 certified, appraised to both CMMI for Services and CMMI for Development at Maturity Level 3 and compliance with NIST 800-171.
Quality Procedures
All procedures include the purpose of the document, scope of applicability, inputs, outputs, and defines, responsibilities and authorities, process elements, and primary activities that are expected to be performed.
Based on ISO 9001:2015, Section 7.5 and ISO 20000-1:2011, Section 3.2 all Internal Documentation is hosted in our Software-based Document Control System (DCS) and only authorized staff members can approve and submit documents.
All documents are classified based on the level of access needed and reviewed for validity to ensure they are relevant and up to date with internal and external requirements.
ITG procedures include:
- The Control of Records (QP3) Procedure represents the Company policy for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, dissemination, retention, and disposition of records based on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 20000-1:2011, ISO 27001:2013, and ISO 15489-1.
- Control of Non-Conforming Products (QP4) applies to all outputs from processes related to product receiving, handling, inventorying and shipping.
- The Preventive Action (QP5) Procedure provides guidance for Quality Control and Preventive measures to eliminate the occurrence of potential non-conformities.
- The Corrective Action (QP6) Procedure defines how to determine the root cause of non-conformity, determine plan of action to avoid re-occurrence, implement action and verify results.
- The Internal Audit Procedure (QP7) outlines how audits are performed on all ITG corporate departments and functional areas on a regular basis. This ensures conformity to internal ITG BQMS requirements, ISO 9001, ISO 20000-1, and ISO 27001 requirements, as well as CMMI internal assessments.
- The Management Review (QP8) Procedure identifies how the organization monitors and measures processes and performance, which includes results of audits, customer feedback, status of preventive and corrective actions, follow-up actions from previous reviews, adequacy of resources and recommendations for improvement.
- The Management Review Board Procedure (QP11) defines the responsibilities of internal boards. For the planning of processes; provisioning of resources, guidance and methodologies for configuration management and staff training; assigning responsibilities; monitoring controlling and evaluating adherence to processes; and providing status to higher-level management.
- The Quality Assurance Procedures (QP9) defines ITG’s methodologies that monitor and ensure the provision of quality products and services to the customer community, as well as measure the level of satisfaction among the recipients.
- The Risk Management Procedures (QP10) designates the authorized staff that prepare and approve work instruction related processes with the intent of preventing and mitigating risk (Determine risk probability and level, determine plan of action to avoid risk, implement mitigating plans and verify results).
- The Project Planning Procedures (QP12) is based on ISO 9001 and CMMI Compliance Matrix and are comprised of a series of planned actions aimed at improving operational and infrastructure processes (includes Business Development Managers, Project Managers, Project Staff, Q/A Staff Members).
- The Organizational Training (QP13) Procedure determines a strategic training need for the company, identifies course content, training audience and objectives, approves training materials or offers suggestions for improvement, evaluates training effectiveness and maintains records of course attendance and training effectiveness evaluations.
- The Decision Analysis and Resolution (QP14) Procedure defines actions taken to establish scope and goals, evaluate assumptions, investigate alternatives, identify risks/mitigation plans and reach decisions with the most desirable outcomes.
- The Software Development (QP15) Procedure contains the essential elements of an effective software development process (Project Planning, Requirements Development, Requirements Management, Design, Software Development).
- The Change Management (QP16) Procedure applies to staff and managers who contemplate proposing and implementing changes within ITG and through our Change Management System (by submitting a change request).
- The Process Performance Measurements Procedure (QP17) applies to all internal and external contracts/projects, Project Financial Reports, Customer Satisfaction Reports, Scorecards, Business Goals and SMART Objectives.
- The Organizational Innovation and Deployment (QP18) Procedure consists of proposed changes which select and deploy incremental and innovative improvements that measurably improve the Company processes and technologies.
- The procedure for Tailoring Guidelines (QP21) determines if tailoring of organizational standard processes is necessary, submits proposed change for review, evaluates change impact, proceeds with Change Management Process.
- The Configuration Management (QP19) Procedure, consists of Configuration Items (components, whose importance and potential change may affect the ITG QMS output), Configuration Management (How Configuration Items are identified and controlled), Change Management (How Configuration Item sources are changed).
- The Problem Analysis and Resolution (QP23) Procedure monitors services and incidents to identify potential problems, monitors problems to identify corrective action and long-term resolution, corrects problem (or defect), corrects process by training, tailoring and communicating the change, Evaluate the effect of changes.
- The Verification (QP24) Procedure ensures that s projects have been reviewed and the resources, pricing, documentation, stakeholder communication, and technical solution meet the Project specified requirements.
- The Validation (QP25) Procedure demonstrates that selected work products/services fulfil their intended use when placed in their intended environments.
Work Instructions
Work Instructions exist for all departments and daily functions. A sample of our working instructions for key functional areas follows:
- The Document Formatting and Submission Work Instruction (QWI1) applies to all the documents intended for submission and includes preparation of the documents (format, template, title, author, version, save), submission (title, abstract owner, department, keywords, document number), approval and notification of relevant stakeholders.
- The Designation of Non-Conforming Products Area Work Instruction (QWI4) designates the repair/quality control area where all returned products, Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs) and any other products as being in need of repair and/or Quality Control are stored.
- The Non-Conforming Product Status Change Work Instruction (QWI5) describes the process by which the status of electronic component Non-Conforming Products can change so that they can be entered into the inventory system as “available” and be stored in the shipping area of the ITG warehouse.
- The Non-Conforming Product-Calibrations Work Instruction (QWI6) describes the process that ensure the calibration of electronic devices, tools and components utilized in the course of performing electronic repairs meets manufacturer specifications. Electronic Repairs Manager creates a calibration schedule for each product, shipping such products to the appropriate facilities for testing and conformance and maintaining calibration activity records.
- The Internal Audits Work Instruction (QWI7) describes the methods for planning and conducting internal audits, as well as, methods for reporting and implementing the findings of such audits of the ITG Business Quality Management System.
- The Work Instruction QWI8 is about How to Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey. Steps include: Introduce yourself, Ask the questions from the appropriate survey, Record the ratings, Conclude the survey by showing appreciation, Follow Up (if needed).
- The Submitting Proposal Records Work Instruction (QWI9) applies to Business Development Managers and to all Sales and Marketing Staff and includes all formal responses to RFPs and any document that may obligate the company to perform work and responsibility and to submit copies of proposals to the designated Proposal Control System (PCS) Coordinator.
- The Contract/Project Initiation Process Work Instruction (QWI13) defines the process of contract/project initiation upon receipt of award as well as the process and management of integrated teams. Upon receiving a Contract Award, we Inform Accounting, Enter Risk records in Contracts and Projects, inform and brief about any subcontracting requirements, inform and brief Program Management Team, Software Development Team, Electronic Repairs and Logistics Team.
- The Daily Risk Assessment Reports Work Instruction (QWI14) is submitted by the Purchasing Dept, Subcontractor Management, IT Management and Electronic Repairs Managers that relates to a contract, or to a process, or to an intangible asset and represent potential risk (Personnel, Legal, Security, Financial, Business Continuity Risk).
- The Design Document Requirement for all Software Development Work Instruction (QWI15) consists of written material that outlines the methodology by which a functional requirement can be transformed into a finished software feature. The Software Development Guidelines Work Instruction (QWI19) includes a list of guidelines to be used during software development to increase the quality, accuracy, traceability, accountability, and in general provide examples of industry wide use of best practices.
- The Staff Management Work Instruction (QWI17) initiates interactions with ITG staff must have, prior approval and consent of the relevant Department Manager to whom the staff reports to.
- The Project Planning Work Instruction (QWI20) designates all staff members that are designated Project Managers as the authorized staff that initiate, implement and monitor Projects as the responsible parties for ensuring compliance with this instruction (Verify that proposed products or services meet customer expectations, issue/negotiate subcontracts, create new project, create work breakdown structure (Tasks, Sub-Tasks), create communications plan, define risk level(s) and mitigation plan(s), create tasks, establish estimates, assign resources, identify measurement and analysis reporting tools).
- The Project Monitoring Work Instruction (QWI21) is the series of actions required to monitor and update Projects (planned start date, planned end date, actual start date and actual end date, tasks and task progress, risk(s), planned percent complete, actual percent complete).
- The Decision Analysis and Resolution Work Instruction (QWI22) consists of actions taken to establish scope and goals, evaluate assumptions, investigate alternatives, identify risks/mitigations and reach decisions with most desirable outcomes (establish evaluation criteria, identify available options, compare strengths, weaknesses and risks, evaluate input(s)/comments, select applicable decision).
- The Hiring Process Work Instruction (QWI23) is established to assist managers and other supervisors who are involved in the hiring of regular Full Time or regular Part Time employees, agency temporaries, and consultants (create a job description, complete the position requisition form, post the job opening, track applicants, schedule interviews with notification, complete employment forms, create timesheet and hierarchy, update corporate organizational chart, provide orientation, follow up on training requirements).
- The Capacity Planning Work Instruction (QWI27) is a series of actions required to ensure the company allocates sufficient resources (facilities, manpower and other) to meet its service obligations to existing customers as well as potential new customers.
- The Organizational Innovation and Deployment Work Instruction (QWI29) is the selection and deployment of incremental and innovative improvements that measurably improve the Company’s processes and technologies (designate relevant proposal, perform decision analysis and resolution, create pilot plan, create deployment plan, identify measurements, measure effects, select applicable decision alternative and record justification).
- The Tangible Asset Security Work Instruction (QWI30) defines activities required to ensure the security of company staff related tangible assets.